
ConfidentialWallet Contract

The ConfidentialWallet contract is a key part of the NotVault SDK which is responsible for confidential management of keys, files, credentials, and value storage. Let's dive into each function present in this contract:

Key Management Functions

  • registerKeys: This function associates the sender's Ethereum address with their public key, encrypted private key, encrypted secret, contact ID, and an encrypted contact ID.

    function registerKeys(
        string memory publicKey, 
        string memory encryptedPrivateKey, 
        string memory encryptedSecret, 
        string memory contactId, 
        string memory encContactId
  • getPublicKey: This function returns the public key associated with a given Ethereum address.

    function getPublicKey(
        address account
    ) public view returns (string memory);

File Index Management Functions

  • getFileIndex: Returns the file index associated with a given Ethereum address.

    function getFileIndex(
        address account
    ) public view returns (string memory);
  • setFileIndex: This function allows the sender to set the file index associated with their Ethereum address.

    function setFileIndex(
        string memory value
    ) public;

Credential Management Functions

  • getCredentialIndex: Returns the credential index associated with a given Ethereum address.

    function getCredentialIndex(
        address account
    ) public view returns (string memory);
  • setCredentialIndex: This function allows the sender to set the credential index associated with their Ethereum address.

    function setCredentialIndex(
        string memory value
    ) public;
  • getCredentialStatus: Returns the status of a specific credential for a given Ethereum address.

    function getCredentialStatus(
        address account, 
        string memory id
    ) public view returns (bool);
  • setCredentialStatus: This function allows the sender to set the status of a specific credential associated with their Ethereum address.

    function setCredentialStatus(
        string memory id, 
        bool status
    ) public;

Value Store Management Functions

  • getValue: Returns the value associated with a specific key for a given Ethereum address.

    function getValue(
        address account, 
        string memory key
    ) public view returns (string memory);
  • setValue: This function allows the sender to set a value for a specific key associated with their Ethereum address.

    function setValue(
        string memory key, 
        string memory value
    ) public;

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